Akiko Yoshioka


Ms. Akiko Yoshioka is a researcher of the JIME Centre-IEEJ (Institute of Energy Economics, Japan). In 2007, she was a visiting researcher in the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai. Her research interests are contemporary Iraqi politics and economy, especially after 2003. Currently, she is working on the theme of post-conflict nation building, focusing on the federalism. Her recent articles include “Japanese Prime Minister’s Visit to the Middle East to Build a Multilayered Relationship,” Asia Research Bulletin, No.3, 2007 and “Siyasa al-Yaban al-Kharijiya tujaha al-Iraq ba’da 2003 (Japanese foreign policy towards Iraq after 2003),” Ara, No. 33, 2007.

Phone:  +81-3-5547-0230

Email: yoshioka@jime.ieej.or.jp

This individual is a guest contributor for mei.edu, and is not affiliated with The Middle East Institute.